Buttons on the keyboard combination that May Be Not You Know
Starting from seeing my friend simply display the application or the like without using a mouse. when I want to know 'spice' secret to my friend, asked him it was not until 1-2 days but more than that wkwkwk as if 'spice' it is a pride, but with the know 'spices' it .. turns me feel pride hahaha .. some of them... 1. WINDOWS + L ketika ada hal yang membuat mu ninggalin meja kerja, gak mungkinkan ninggalin kompi/pc dalam posisi jendela windows pada kebuka. Nah nah bisa tekan tombol WINDOWS + L supaya windows langsung ke posisi LOG OFF 2. WINDOWS + E Kebiasaan banyak orang kalau mau explore windows. Ngarahin cursor mouse ke logo WINDOWS lalu klik kanan dan Open Windows Explorer. Atau via Rocketdock lalu tekan My Computer. Cukup tekan tombols WINDOWS + E nanti bakal ke-explorer 3. WINDOWS + D Tinggal tekan WINDOWS + D. Nanti semua jendela windows akan ter-minimize sendiri. Trik ini pengganti WINDOWS + M yang hanya ...